Family Resources

Parent Conversation Guides

As a parent, you know you should talk to your kid about certain topics, but you may not know where to start—or when. Use the life maps and conversation guides to figure out where to jump in to meet your child in the phase he or she is in.

Parenting Through the Phases Resources

Your kids will grow up a lot faster than you ever dreamed. That’s why we help you stay focused on what you can do today to connect with your child. We know you can’t cram anything more to do in your already busy day so we help you use the time you already have. With Parent Cue Times of Day, find insight for each phase of your child.

Family Resources

Have you ever taken the time to discover what’s unique and special about your family? It’s time to sit down, take a look at your calendar, and choose some time for everyone to get together for some bonding, learning, and fun!

Seasonal Resources

How to make the most of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s, as well as tips for a successful school year.

Parent cue App

Directions on downloading the Parent Cue app and linking to your child’s Thrive Church room for customized weekly resources.

Additional Parent Cue Resources
Explore the Parent Cue website. This life-giving website is full of helpful, timely parenting articles, podcasts, and resources.
Devotionals for Kids & Students

Get recommendations on best devotionals for elementary, middle school and high school students.

Thrive Groups for married couples

You can face life with the kind of love and support God has in mind for you. Now is the perfect time to find a Thrive Group that fits your schedule and season of life.

Thrive Groups for parents

You can face life with the kind of love and support God has in mind for you. Now is the perfect time to find a Thrive Group that fits your schedule and season of life.