
Heart for the House


“I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells.” -Psalm 26:8 

This year’s annual year end offering will focus our heart on God’s house. We have an incredible opportunity to make our church home the most compelling place for your family and our community. A place where we can’t wait to be and can’t wait to invite others into.

As you know, our church isn’t built on the gifts and talents of a few but on the sacrifices of many. We invite you to see more details below and prayerfully consider what God may have you do financially in this year’s Heart for the House offering on December 10th.  

Three areas of focus for this offering:

Updates to our church home

Single mothers at Christmas time

Strategic opportunities in 2024


Updates to our church home

We would love to make your church home the most inviting place for your family and the community. The place where our kids long to be and can’t wait to invite their friends to experience. We plan to update two kids’ classrooms to be more engaging, create an outdoor recreation area, create better areas for community and connection, paint the building, and so much more. Click the link to see how we can make our church home an even more incredible place to be.  


Single mothers at Christmas time

We want to come alongside ladies within our church family and give them a boost at Christmas time. We are going to help them purchase gifts for their kids (and groceries for a Christmas meal). We are going to help single mothers with the first $15k that is given in this offering. If you are a single mom here at Thrive please let us know.



Strategic opportunities in 2024

As we look ahead to 2024 we know that God is going to open doors of ministry impact that we want to be ready to capitalize on. It is our desire to position ourselves to say yes to the specific things God will be directing us to. Funds in this category could go towards things like reaching people with a specific outreach opportunity, a key hire, or helping to fund growing ministries. We have already given God a predetermined yes to whatever He asks us to do. Funds here will allow us to put action behind His leading.



  • The first $15k given will go towards blessing single mothers at Christmas time. The funds beyond this will be split between updates to our church home and strategic opportunities in 2024. 
  • Any funds raised above the preferenced needs will be applied to similar programs, or used where most needed as determined by church leadership.