
Learn how to win in relationships

SUNDAYS 9 & 11AM | In-Person and online
Pastors Jacob and Hannah are team teaching the entire month of February! They’ll be teaching us how to develop and run great plays in our love life that will produce incredible results. Just like in sports, if a team has bad plays and poor execution, it will lead to a pile of losses. But when a team learns to run the right plays, at the right time, with great execution it will lead to an incredible season. It’s time to pick up God’s playbook and discover how to win in our most significant relationships.

Meet our pastors

Pastors Jacob and Hannah established Thrive Church 10 years ago and have seen God build it into a strong church with a big vision. Their passion is to see people fulfill their God-given purpose and live encouraged through the ups and downs of life. They have dedicated their lives to boldly preaching and teaching the Word of God, and are passionate about coaching couples and seeing them win in a beyond ordinary way.

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