Who We Are

Thrive Church Values

We grow the most spiritually when we apply the most personally. 
We choose one unified voice centered on Jesus and our core beliefs. 
We laugh hard, loud, and often while we love life with those God has surrounded us with.
Our unquenchable desire is to see people live beyond ordinary. 
We are more blessed when we give than when we receive.
We will attempt things so big that if accomplished only God will get the glory.

What we believe

We will attempt things so big that if accomplished only God will get the glory.
The Bible: God’s written book to us

The Bible is truth. We believe that it was written by human authors under the divine inspiration of God. It is completely free from error and is extremely relevant to our daily lives. We live our lives based on this truth.

(Deuteronomy 4:1-2; Psalm 119:11, 89, 105; Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 22:29; John 5:39, 16:13-15, 17:17; Romans 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Hebrews 1:1-2, 4:12; 1 Peter 1:25; 2 Peter 3:16)

Salvation: Jesus is the only way

Because all mankind has sinned and fallen short of being right with God, God sent His Son to die on the cross to pay the price for our sin. It is only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection that we can have a right relationship with God. Salvation is a free gift from God that cannot be earned by our efforts.

(Isaiah 1:18; 53:5-6; 55:7; Matthew 1:21; 27:22-28:6; Luke 1:68-69; 2:28-32; John 1:12; 3:16, 36; 5:24; Acts 2:21; 4:12; 16:30-31; Romans 1:16-18;3:23-25; 5:8-10; 6; 1 Corinthians 1:18; 2 Corinthians 5:17-20; Galatians 2:20; 3:13; Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 2:12-13; Hebrews 9:24-28; Revelation 3:20) 
The Trinity: God is Three in One

God is a three-part being: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although they exist as one, each member of the Trinity serves different functions while maintaining the full power and authority of God.

(Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 28:19; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 1:35; John 5:21-23, 14:10, 16; Romans 8:9-11; 1 Corinthians 8:6; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Hebrews 1:8-10; James 2:19)

The Father: Greater than we could imagine

There is only one God and He is good. He is a loving, faithful Father, full of compassion and mercy, whose promises will come to pass for His people. He is great. He is ever-present, unchanging, all-knowing and worthy of all our trust. Above all He is holy. It is through God that we live, move and exist.

(Exodus 3:14; Numbers 23:19; Leviticus 11:44-45, 19:2; Psalm 11:4-6; Malachi 3:6; John 3:16, 4:24, 5:26, 14:1; Acts 17:28; Romans 3:3-4)

The Son: God became man

We believe that Jesus is fully God and fully man and is the only way that those who are far from God can enter into a right relationship with God. He was the one perfect sacrifice that paid the complete price for every sin we could possibly commit – past, present and future. Jesus defeated death through His resurrection so that we could have new life in Him.

(Isaiah 7:14, 53:1-12; Matthew 1:18-23, 3:17, 8:29, 14:33, 16:16, 28:5-6; Luke 22:70, 24:46-47; John 1:1, 1:14, 10:30, 11:25-27, 17:1-5; Acts 1:9, 2:22-24, 7:55-56; Romans 1:3-4, 3:23-26, 8:1-3, 10:4; 1 Corinthians 8:6; 2 Corinthians 5:19-21; Galatians 4:4-5; Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 1:15, 2:9; 1 Timothy 2:5-6, 3:16)

The Holy Spirit: God is ever-present with us

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper and comforter. He is the witness inside of us assuring us of our relationship with Christ. He convicts people of sin, God’s righteousness and the judgment to come. He gives us gifts that will in turn help the body of Christ. He helps guide us into all truth so that we can be more like Christ.

(Genesis 1:2; Psalm 51:11, 139:7; Isaiah 61:1-3; Joel 2:28-32; Mark 1:10; Luke 1:35, 4:1, 11:13, 12:12; John 15:26, 16:7-14; Acts 1:8, 2:1-4, 13:2; Romans 8:9-11, 14-16, 26-27; 1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 1:13-14; 2 Peter 1:21; Revelation 22:17)

Eternity: We will spend it somewhere

Man was created by God to exist forever. Because of this, he will either spend eternity separated from God by sin or united with God through the salvation of Jesus. Heaven and hell are real places of eternal existence. To be eternally separated from God is hell. To be eternally united with God is heaven.

(John 3:16, 36; Romans 6:23; 1 John 2:25, 5:11-13; Revelation 20:15)

Man: Bearing God’s Image

The Bible tells us that man was created in the image of God and to have fellowship with God. Because of our sinful disobedience we became separated in our relationship with God. It is for this reason that Jesus died for us: to restore us back into a right relationship with God. Every person is worthy of Christian respect and love and is uniquely created by God for a divine purpose.

(Genesis 1:26-30, 2:7, 2:18-22, 3:1-24; Psalm 8:3-6, 32:1-5, 51:5; Isaiah 6:5; Jeremiah 17:5; Acts 17:26-31; Romans 1:19-32, 3:10-18, 3:23, 5:6, 6:6, 7:14-25; 1 Corinthians 1:21-31, 15:19-22; Ephesians 2; Colossians 1:21-22, 3:9-11)

The Church: God’s purposed community

The Church is a group of believers unified through faith in Christ. Its purpose is to bring the Gospel of Jesus to the world. It is a people committed to the teachings of Christ and an obedient lifestyle to Christ. The Church works together in love and unity, striving for the ultimate purpose of glorifying Christ.

(Matthew 16:18-19, 18:15-20; Acts 2:41-47, 5:11-14, 13:1-3, 14:23, 16:5, 20:28; 1 Corinthians 7:17, 9:13-14, 12:1-31; Ephesians 1:22-23, 2:19-22, 3:10-12, 5:22-32; Colossians 1:18, 3:15; 1 Timothy 4:14; 1 Peter 5:1-4; Revelation 21:2-3)